Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life Hacks 4 (cont)


  1. I'm going to have to try the ATM one. Great stuff

  2. The ATM one is ridiculous. And wow I will definitely have to try number 4 since I have to take an elevator pretty much everyday for school.

    But nice blog, followed and hope you do the same. :)

    Just made a blog post;

    Obama & Borat Collab? Facebook and Trends "Why, what's up?"

  3. number works... i personally tried it myself a long time ago and have been doing that ever since, useful in crowded shopping malls :D

    but not all elevator works though

  4. I had a friend who swore by number 1 but I never really bought it because I didn't take the time to think about how it actually worked. Awesome image, and I'm definitely trying the elevator one (maybe the card scanner one too haha

  5. thats cool! more cool stuffs in here
